Below you’ll find studies in published journals about the Radian technology utilized by our parent company, FocusMotion. These studies found that the Radian technology not only measure joint angle and range of motion accurately but also help users stay up to 100% more compliant to their PT regimen and feel more motivated and connected to their recovery process.

  • American Journal of Sports Medicine

    Sports Medicine and Artificial Intelligence: A Primer


  • Journal of Arthroplasty

    Remote Patient Monitoring Using Mobile Health for Total Knee Arthroplasty: Validation of a Wearable and Machine Learning–Based Surveillance Platform


  • Journal of Arthroplasty

    Artificial Intelligence and Arthroplasty at a Single Institution: Real-World Applications of Machine Learning to Big Data, Value-Based Care, Mobile Health, and Remote Patient Monitoring


  • Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery

    Mobile technology and telemedicine for shoulder range of motion: validation of a motion-based machine-learning software development kit
